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Old Joe Biden has now bowed to pressure from Democrat top dogs and dropped out of the race. So why is this man still president of the United States?
The contradiction is clear in the statement Biden’s handlers wrote in his name, withdrawing his candidacy: “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country” — note the order of priority: party first, country second — “for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”
This isn’t rocket science. If he is declining to run again, everyone knows why. It’s because he too firmly in the grip of dementia to mount a spirited and energetic challenge to the man whom Democrats have identified as the focus of evil in the modern world. But if that is true, however, then how is it that Old Joe is about to focus on fulfilling his duties as president? How is it that he is able to focus on anything at all? If he is unable to run for president, he is unable to be president.
It’s just that simple. It’s only complicated by the inveterate dishonesty of Biden and his fellow Democrats. Old Joe has been a corrupt, dishonest politician since the day he arrived in Washington, just as Richard Nixon was completing his first term as president. It would be refreshing if Biden could, after a long and sorry career that began with his dishonorable savaging of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, and is ending with him repeating long-discredited lies about Donald Trump, do the right and honorable thing, just this once.
The honorable thing to do is clear: Joe Biden should resign from the presidency.
Even those who are as appalled by the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency as the Democrat power brokers clearly are should see that. Those power brokers, after pretending for over three years that Biden was sharp as a tack, saw their lie blow up in their faces during the old corruptocrat’s debate with Trump. Yet now they’re running with another lie. They want us to believe that Old Joe is fully capable of serving as president for the next seven months, at a time of maximum global tension, when nothing short of world war could break out at any time.
This is Joe Biden we’re talking about. We learned in the wake of the debate that Biden goes to bed at 8pm, and that’s after a nice cozy nap in the middle of the day. Reporters have already confronted Karine Jean-Pierre with embarrassing questions about what happens if some major crisis breaks out at, say, 9:30. Are we supposed to believe that now that he will be free from the rigors of a reelection campaign, Biden is going to be the glib old hair-plugged Biden of old, ready to face down Putin — oh, no, wait, that’s Zelensky?
The Democrats who have really been in charge of the Biden regime all this time should finally stop lying to the American people. Let Biden stay in his taxpayer-funded walled Delaware beach house, and let the people see the caliber of his replacement.
For Kamala Harris has no excuses. She isn’t 81 years old. She is not suffering from dementia. She has no excuse, but there is no question about it: she is not fit to be president of the United States. One reason why Old Joe declined to resign is likely because it will keep the American people from getting a full view of how spectacularly incapable she really is.
If, however, she is to be the Democrat nominee, and if the entire political and media establishment is now going to spend the rest of the time before the election trying to convince us that she is the second coming of Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks, and Angela Merkel rolled into one, only more so, then let’s see her in action.
A Harris presidency would be an immense risk, but at this point, what course of action wouldn’t be? At least this is a chance for the left to end its constant lying. The Democrats could undo a bit of the immense damage they’ve done by admitting that they’ve lied about Old Joe all this time, sending him into retirement, and giving the reins to someone who is presumably in full possession of her faculties. Then the American people can get an up-close view of whether she is worthy of being given four years to finish the Democrats’ job of destroying the nation.
If Harris were, in fact, going to be the candidate the party would have deposed Biden right out of the White House; as there would be no better place for Harris to run a campaign from than the White House. As they have left Biden in as a place holder there must be another actual candidate waiting in the wings to be drawn out a hat as the savior of democracy.
” ….. as a placeholder ….
Your logic is impeccable.
Shit. Those scumbags have no idea what they’re doing. They’re just holding on with their scabby fingers as America goes to shit.
First of all, Joe Biden had no hand in writing that letter. Secondly, Kamala is, and H-H-Hillary…well….uh, anyway.
Two things. One is that Harris was party to the continued lie that Biden was ever fit, unless she was that left out of the loop that she didn’t know, which then would just confirm how much the DNC like her.
Second is that Biden will be pardoning as much of his families crimes as possible. So he has to be around for that. Jill can handle that while Joe sleeps. Also Jill hates Cackles and wouldn’t want to see Joe resign to let her take over.
Amerfrica, more African than Nigeria and South Africa. The world’s most Afreaken country is Amerikwa.
WTF are you talkin bout Willis?
I smell troll droppings.
Ah, he’s just a mite too deep into his hashbowl this early in the ayem. Or is it relly still late in the PeeEm for him?
it does sorta make a little bit of sense.. through very esoteric sense if it does.
Uh, I think it’s clear that he exposed the pro-black and viciously anti-white racism of the left and most American blacks.
I heard that he has cleared his schedule this week. No events or appearances?
Is the pretend Presidency not going to do anything at all?
I suspect that we’ve seen the last of interviews with him, press conferences, official meetings with world leaders, and walks to the helicopter or Air Force One. obama/jarrett achieved what they wanted with the increasingly demented biden on public view. Now that the coup has been successful, they can close ranks and get on to their next Big Lie.
He (aka his handlers) just cancelled his mtg w/Netanyhahu.
He’s dead or comatose in a hospital bed. COUNT ON IT.
Seriously, putting Joan of Arc with those two???
Early this morning, three of my best jokey posts were censored. I was a bit miffed about it, but it DID set me to thinking…
What if this year’s October Surprise is the actual passing of Joe Biden?
If we conservatives were to joke about it. The legacy media would run on how “cruel the right is”, all the while overlooking the myriad times THEY were cruel about tragedies involving far more innocent conservatives.
The legacy would in fact go searching through social after evidence of our cruelty! Therefore, I am going to tone my posts down a bit from what they been up until now, at least as far as domestic politicians are concerned. …..Passive/Aggressive will be my posture.
Of course, full throttle hatred and cruelty will still be my posting technique regarding Muslim terrorism and those who support it.
A. G. — 10:50 pm, Sunday
🎶 I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king
🎶 I’ve been up and down and over and out, and I know none thing
🎶 Each time I find myself lying flat on my face
🎶 I just pick myself up and get back in the race … ~
That’s all you can do, man. 🙂
Damn! Auto correct changed one to none! Damn!
Did you ever think this is not about you?
Did you ever think that, should you come to the attention of legacy media for any reason real or fake, they would make it about you in a nanosecond….and the more you protest, the more they hate.
Everyone who posts anything in any context should know how shitty the left is to anyone, from Granny to Ellie’s critters.
“Cant we all just get along?”
I’ve had what seemed to me totally reasonable comments banned from Yahoo! There are magazines that cancel you for suggesting that there might be a reason, besides racism, why a white woman would receiveca larger mortgage than a Black woman.
Please don’t joke about Biden, or anyone, being incontinent.
So his diapers aren’t buried in the lost incontinent of Atlantis?
Sorry Rose.
When I was born Satan😈 touched my tongue👅.
When you get old, you may be incontinent yourself. Incompetence is funny. Incontinence isn’t.
I already am.
But I still have my w(?)hits about me. ~
Biden is the lost incontinent.
You just made me realize that joking about Alzheiemer Joe’s incontinence and shitting in his adult diapers maybe isn’t so funny. I don’t think I would be laughing if I became that way..
I still hate that scumbag, though.
The reason to laugh about it is that Biden continues to shit on the duly elected Prime Minister of the Jewish State.
That’s aimed at Me, and all my meatspace friends. So I encourage my cyberspace friends to laugh in the most mean-spirited way possible.
October surprise? It’s only July and Retardo Joe is DEAD. He’s gone. Either in a morgue or comatose in a hospital cot shitting on himself. Which would be just like the last three and a half years anyway.
Michelle will not run until she runs. The convention is in gridlock. Obama introduces Michelle who speaks – she is not a politician, doesnt want the job, but she loves this country and will accept the nomination if offered.
The backroom deal has been struck. CA is on board as Newsom is picked for VP. Kamala agrees as she is picked for CA Governor. Jill Biden agrees – she is given important job in future.
But what of Michelle’s inexperience? When the call comes in the middle of the night – Barack will be in bed next to her. We come to understand a vote for Michelle is a vote for Michelle/Obama ticket.
She runs on a return to the normal Obama times. She runs AGAINST the Biden changes.
And Trump can’t criticize a black/woman
How to defeat – CALL IT OUT for fraud it is – It’s been a plan the whole time. Obama for eight more years.
Michelle is struggling with “What is a woman?”
What is a woman? Big Mike should ask the non-binary Kenyan.
You make two assumptions:
1. Trump can’t criticize a black woman. Why not? Anyone running is fair game. Will it offend the swing voters?
If so, you assume:
2. The suburban voters who would vote against Trump if he did criticize a black woman are worth more than a pile of dog sht.
I call B.S. on both.
Yes, but…. where in the world did you get the idea that michelle obama loves this country?
No. She doesn’t.
Big Mike loves America? Just how deranged are you?
On the contrary, Trump can criticize K Harris. Why? First of all, she isn’t black because her birth parents aren’t black. Secondly, when she ran for California AG, she ran and got elected as the first Indian-American (from India) to hold that a position and the same when she ran for the senate. She took on the mantle of being black when it became politically expedient to do so.
In America, it doesn’t matter if you’re from the middle east or Indonesia or India or any of the other countries around the world where the people have darker skin. if you have just 1 drop of melanin in your skin you’re automatically assumed to be black.
It’s wrong and insidious as hell but that’s just the way it is in America. It’s one of the unfortunate aspects of American culture that will always exist. Why? Because it’s begets power to those willing to exploit it to their advantage and it’s very profitable.
If Obama keeps silent about Kamela over the next weeks, it is an indication he is planning on Michelle running and introducing that as the convention is deadlocked.
This is the plan for another Obama presidency. See above note.
If it’s Kamala vs Michelle the convention will be dreadlocked.
Except that the deadlock will end as Pelosi’s powerful CA lobby cuts an inside deal to have her Newsom as VP. Kamela from CA backs down as Pelosi gives her the CA Governership as Newsom leaves it for VP. Biden stands down in the deal as “the deal” guarantees his family wont be prosecuted and his wife agrees as she will be given high status (ambassadorship)in the future when Biden is dead.
You will note that Obama has not endorsed Kamila. The press is quiet about Michelle’s silence. Her strongest position is to be out of the fight until she joins it at the convention. But of course she is but a (very presentable) puppet.
This is the plan. Obama is in again.
so please riddle me this one:
HOW is it that Pelosi cn install Cackles as Presidentator of California?
WHen yer dun scratchin her haid on that one, then riddle this net bit:
HOW is it that a NON NATURAL BORN CITIZEN can become president in clear violation of our US Cnstotit]ution?
Harris has two parents that were foreigh nationals at the time of her birth.. one Jamaican, the other Indian (as in east)?
Obviously you’re not from California. I was born and raised here. The scenario you give is highly unlikely because neither Newsom of Harris are popular in California.
We have the highest gas prices in the nation ($5.50/gal on average), the 2nd highest state taxes and sales taxes in the nation, the largest homeless population in the country and probably the world, almost every city is a sanctuary city., the crime rates are through the roof and getting worse, the costs of utilities are astronomical and rising, rents are are through the roof and rising ($2500 – $3000 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment), the schools are failing to educate (the HS drop out rate is exceedingly high in California) and of late, parents no longer have any say over their children. That means your 8 year old son can tell his teacher that he’s a girl and the state can come in and cut his schmeckle without informing the parents.
And all that is not the half of it! Newsom and Harris? From a native Californian’s perspective, anyone who affords those two any viability of getting elected president needs to be whisked away in a straight jacket and locked in a deep, dark and dank dungeon for the next 200 years!!
It would be a monkey cage fest.
Keeping Pres Biden in office for the rest of his term can keep VP Harris away from public view. We may see Biden’s remaining months in the Oval office as a way to keep Harris in the basement for a Biden style campaign of her own. Have we not had enough of that?
Have you heard Harris speak? That’s a wish plan. I often wonder if she can walk and chew gum at the same time!! Only Willie Brown knows for sure!!
Speaking of that, if she somehow gets elected president (America is so f**ked if she does), will they play “kneel to the chief” at her inaugural?
If Kamala Harris gets elected president, she will be proof that a woman can f**k her way to the top. (She certainly didn’t do it to f**k her way to the bottom!!)
The dumpsters around democrat HQs should be checked for shredded pre-filled out ballots..
“Why is this man still President of the United States?” Lyndon B. Johnson finished out his term after he had anniunced his intention not to run again didn’t he?
The reason President Johnson decided not to run again was that he was grievously politically wounded and would have had little chance to avoid further political humiliation in 1968. No one–either then or now–even remotely believed that he was suffering from dementia.
Good point. I won’t even put down the hints and insinuations that are floating around about Biden.
Johnson had a serious heart problem. His last public speaking was him popping and spitting out nitro pills. Johnson lied, his war on poverty was good intended but the results of the projects and not allowing dads in the home in order to get welfare has had dire consequences. Johnson lied about Vietnam and was also a stooge puppet. Johnson did not have dementia. Was never proved to be a money launderer. Was never accused of treason.
He was a dirty rat, but not a demented one.
Yes he did, but EllBeeJay still had far more of his marbles still upstairs and rollong about than Dopey Joey ever had at all.
Biden is clearly regressed from compos mentis to compost mentis.
The Democrat’s always lie. It is the party of women in need.
I have two questions. First what will our adversaries do in the next seven months if Biden stays in office? Second, what will our adversaries do in the next seven months if Kamala is in office?
Kamala CANNOT be President, she is NOT a Natural Born Ciizen. Since she is ineligible to be Pres, the chain would then go to I believe it would be Speaker of the House. The Cnstotution clearly prohibits anyone NOT a Natural Brn Citizen becoming President on any basis. Ineliglble, pick someone else.
The Clinton’s endorsement of Kamala proves that HILLARY wants back in even as VP. Another FIRST that Democrats love… BUT don’t count out Obama and his promotion of his Black Supremacy by putting in Michelle. BOTH BILL AND OBAMA want back in the White House so look for the cat fights.
OBAMA might support Kamala if he gets in Michelle, SUSAN RICE, OR ERIC HOLDER as VP but he’d rather have Michelle and then put the others in. “First Black Ticket.”
IN ALL CASES… DEMOCRATS WILL BE LOOKING FOR A “FIRST” REGARDLESS OF QUALIFICATIONS! Back to a High School election where a popular jock wins and a male is voted Homecoming Queen. “FIRST!”
The Democrats have remove their sock puppet, but kept the suck puppet,
The historic American patriot Benjamin Franklin had wisely said that “Three can keep a secret if two are dead.”
The point is that when Joe Biden was told that he needed to sign a document that declared That he would not seek a second term in Office” The reason is because he handed America so terribly that is would be impossible for him to win a second term.” Biden then a temper tantrum angry fit. A man of that childish mentality and quick to anger character has no business in the Office Presidency of the United States.
This also exposes just how unrealistic conceited and stupid is he really is for thinking that he could win the November 2024 Presidential national election.
I think he didn’t know anything about the resignation until after it was released. I don’t believe he agreed to it after obama/jarrett released it on X; then I imagine the bidens were told to suck it up and not cause divisions in the party with a protest.
I believe it was a coup.
Democrat-Leftists HATE this country! Why do you think they are working so diligently to destroy it?
The wealthy leftist elitists, those almost fossilized in government positions, academia and the ever-increasingly degenerate main stream media are some of the strategic propagandists of the leftists goal: A Marxist nation under complete control; subjugation to an evil collective unaccountable to what were formerly its citizens. They have carefully chosen as their preferred voters (beyond themselves), illegal criminals, rapists, members of terrorist cells, women ( two-note Nellie’s about the patriarch and abortion), thugs of BLM and Antifa as well as Blacks ( those who refuse to open their eyes to see they are useful urban plantation dwellers by the “Democratic” party whose historical chains include the formation of the KKK and a desire to keep slavery alive and well in the US. How? They keep them in horrible inner city schools, poor, angry and self-destructive as permanent self-defined victims! They treat them like prostitutes only wooing them shortly before elections until they vote after which time they are totally insignificant. They are the Venus fly traps luring those uninformed voters into a false sense of importance as they fleece them again and again.